We want to give a little depth to the science behind the design for the Mama Strut Postpartum Brace. New research and techniques in medicine come out constantly, and our team stays up-to-date on the most relevant postpartum and women’s health news. Which is why Mama Strut uses the sports medicine P.O.L.I.C.E. Method:
PROTECT the pelvis with gentle support that maintains a level of protection and rest of the pelvic floor.
OPTIMAL LOADING allows for gradual loading at the areas affected by pregnancy and postpartum to prevent atrophy. Icing affected areas will help manage swelling and acute pain.
COMPRESSION not only holds ice to the body, but helps new mamas reduce swelling.
ELEVATION contractions and exercise of the pelvic floor help reduce bladder incontinence.
A lot of mamas ask if the Mama Strut is a wrap or band but it’s so much more than those options. The Mama Strut is a brace that addresses the full range of needs mamas face postpartum and allows for optimal healing instead of being focused on “bouncing back” or “getting the body back” as many wraps and bands are. Our most important role is being a support you can count on during your postpartum journey.