Hot Flashes/Sweating– Changes in estrogen levels, lactating and the body’s process of eliminating excess fluid retained during pregnancy all contribute to what most postpartum women experience –night sweats. They usually last a few weeks and may not occur every night. Night sweats accompanies by pain, chills or fever may be signs of an infection and you need to call your care provider if you experience these additional symptoms.
Some tips to reducing these unexpected hot moments include:
Keep the bedroom cool
Put a fan in your room, or turn the a/c on. Consider switching out that heavy comforter for a lightweight blanket
Drink a lot of water
A lot of the excess fluids your body was holding on to during pregnancy are now being released through sweat and urine, so drinking water helps keep your body in homeostasis and prevents dehydration.
Eat more soy
You can blame some of these sweats and hot flashes on the changing levels of estrogen, which can be boosted through eating products made of soy (tofu, miso) or taking supplements for a little while. Be sure to talk with a doctor before adding in dietary changes.
Wear loose, natural fibers
Bust out the flowy cotton and let your body breathe!
Limit triggering foods
Spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol are known triggers for hot flashes